Sunday, February 3, 2008

Oh, my gosh. It has been, like, so incredibly long since I have--or even attempted to--update this blog. So, you're probably wondering, what's the lowdown on Karli and Kenzie, and is there any news? Well, I can tell you that there's nothing much. Things have been pretty slow at our house lately. We did receive that picture of Karli, but there are reasons that my mom won't allow me to post them on here. Wanna know why??? OK, well, my mom's been on her Waiting Child Yahoo Groups a lot, and some people said that there have been some cases (plural!) where the CCAA somehow saw the website, and the photo, and China hadn't approved them yet, and it was a huge mess. They actually TOOK AWAY the child!!!!! Can you believe it? We have grown so attached to Karli--just by the pics and the video--and we could never lose her. So we're not going to chance it. However, you CAN see them after China approves us. (Only God knows when that'll happen!)

Also, we got ahold of our social worker from before, and she's coming out to our house in, I think, mid-February. She's going to do a six-months-home check-up and recap on our family. She's also going to update it for Karli's adoption. So, yeah. I really hate when the social worker comes, because, if you've adopted/adopting, you know what that means: Major Clean-up. Save me!!!!!

Anyway, that's pretty much all that's happened lately. Like I said, it's not much, but it's something to give you some fresh reading on here. I'll type more later...if there's anything to tell you. 'Till then, though, hang tight. That's what we're doing.