Sunday, May 11, 2008

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! (And a little more on Kenzie...)

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Today, being mother's day, was also Kenzie's baby dedication at our church. She looked adorable in her dress, and I hope to have pictures on here soon. 

Everything is going good with Karli's adoption, but as always, we are only hoping the wait could go faster. Kenzie is very happy and healthy. She loves to talk and play around, and I think when she starts talking for real...well, i don't think she'll be quiet! :-) Since she's been home, she has opened up so much more. I also think (along with talking) her future will also hold sometihng along the lines of music and dancing. Her favorite groups (of the week) to dance to are probably Hawk Nelson (I just got the "Smile, it's the end of the world" CD and she absolutely LOVES it) and Carrie Underwood (the Carnival Ride album). Can't say she has bad taste in music...:-) She also has a crazy addiction to the piano (I have been playing for 7 years, and Kylie has been playing for about 2, I think) and she adores climbing up and sitting on the piano bench and playing (not banging, actually something [resembling] music). But what can I say? We knew she was something special all along...

(Note: to all the moms out there, have a great day!)