Man, we have had ourselves in for a busy week this past one! Check out a little bit of our schedule:
-On Monday, we (I say we, I mean my mom, Keaton, Kenzie, my mom's friends and her daughter; I was at the beach w/ my grandma) drove up to Austin to do something with the adoption paperwork. (It was all the paperwork...we took it all up there for certification.)
-And then, anyway, on Tuesday (the following day) and took the paperwork up to the Chinese consulate. Which, thank heavens, is about 30 minutes away from us. (I honestly haven't a clue what they did to the paperwork
-Then, Wednesday, we went to a local-ish consignment shop for children, to shop for toys and clothes for the two girls. (This place is one of our favorites.) And then went on to church.
-Thursday was a day for me. :-D I went with my girl scout troop to an all-day shopping spree at the mall. I had a great time, and so did everyone else. :-)
-Friday, we *shudders* took Kenzie to the doctor. If you ever want to hear your child scream loud, a good way to fulfill your wish would be to take them to the doctor. Thankfully, though, no shots! Yay! We also (this was technically before the doctor appointment) took another paper up to the Consulate, and we will be picking up those on Monday. PLUS we have been working hard to get some last-minute things done for the girl scout camp my mom is directing and putting on in 2 weeks.
-Today, (Saturday), we went to a big homeschool convention/trade show type-thing (I guess that's what you would call it...?) to buy our curriculum and material for the next school year coming up.
But...sports are over for now, and so are most of our activities. Summer camps and VBS's will pack up our Summer (plus me working at the place where I volunteer at, 3 days a week). Hopefully some of this will take our minds off time and make it seem like we get Karli sooner. (One can but hope...)
Happy Birthday June....{9}
Happy Birthday to our sweet Junie! Today we celebrate {9}.... We
celebrate June, she is amazing in so many ways and we are so excited to get
our day star...
9 years ago
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