Monday, August 11, 2008

A Summer Sunflower Sunday

Hey, how's everyone? I don't know about you, but we're doing pretty good. On Thursday afternoon we have our social worker coming for our 12 months post placement visit (although technically it hasn't even been eleven months yet [Saturday will mark eleven months] so she's a little early). Unfortunately, though, that means we'll be busy this week cleaning our house. *Long, loud groan* Tomorrow (Tuesday) is my dad's birthday. He'll be!!!! (Lol, he's not old at all though and he doesn't act like it.) But I don't think we're really doing anything to celebrate, so it'll just be another Tuesday (except for the fact that the new Jonas Brothers' CD comes out! Yeah!) These pictures up here are just some that mom took of Kenzie yesterday, modeling her new Gymboree dress and a big yellow hairbow. :-) And also of Kylie and her new haircut...(I personally think it looks adorable.) So, there you have it, just another Summer day...