Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hey, how was everyone's New Year? I know we had a great one! Kylie, Dad, Keaton, Karli, and me went to a party at a friend's house, and we stayed up late, played games, set off fireworks, ate, and rang in the new year! (Mom & Kenzie stayed home.) It's hard to believe it's 2009!!!! Oh my gosh! I feel like, "Where did the time go?" lol. I think every year passes faster the older you get; it really makes you realize how much we need to live while we still can.
Yesterday, we went ice skating at the Galleria (near our house) and we went shopping. Here are a few pics of Kylie & Keaton skating, and the girls waiting for them and watching them.

p.s. this week we're working with Kenzie on potty-trainging. (Yay!!!!) My mom said after we use all of the diapers that we have she's not buying anymore diapers, so hopefully *crosses fingers* Kenzie will be potty-trained soon. :)