Monday, June 22, 2009


Today I did my laundry, which I haven't done for about two weeks. I had two loads of clothes!! And the funny (or maybe sad) thing is, I still had half a closet full of clothes to wear. While waiting for my clothes to go through the washer and dryer, I cleaned my room...not fun. And I started packing for Nashville...
I don't know how many of you people out there are like me, or how many are like my mom.

This is me: I like to take a bunch of bags or a really big suitcase, and take tons of clothes...more than I need, even. I love to be in style no matter where I'm going or what the occasion is. I like to have a different pair of shoes for each outfit, or maybe even two for each outfit. I like to have a jacket, at least two changes of pajamas, and I have to bring all my necessities. You know, my flat iron, hair stuff, know stuff that says "me". I say I pack heavy, my mom says I'm just crazy.

This is my mom: She prefers to pack in a backpack, or sometimes even a Wal-Mart sack. She takes the least amount of clothes as possible and will stuff everything to make it fit. She takes one pair of shoes. She packs light.

Anyway, me obviously being myself, I got down the biggest suitcase we have out of the attic (one that we got when I went to China) and started packing all my stuff in it today. I think I have about fifteen t-shirts...a few pairs of dress...a pair of packed for about an hour today and I'm not even finished! (Packing takes a lot of energy out of me lol.) At the moment, I'm concerned with how I'm going to fit everything... :)
I'm also working on making a list for all the stuff I still need to pack. I hope to God I don't forget anything. What exactly does one take to a musicians' camp? (Besides their instrument of course.) Hmm... I still need to work on this lol.

Tomorrow begins my 3-day volunteer week at Mission Northeast again. Even though I complain a little, I miss my boys :( so I'm glad that I'm getting to spend this week with them, since I will be gone the next two weeks.

Kenzie and Karli are doing good, by the way :) ...Not much to write about them lately.

video of the week: