Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy 2 Year Gotcha Day Anniversary Kenzie!!!

Two years ago today, we woke up a family of 5 and went to sleep a family of 6. That Sunday afternoon, we boarded a bus in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China with 8 other families to be united with our new little ones. We walked into the room and immediately saw the 10 babies (There were 2 sets of twins in our group). Some were crying, some were not, but all were adorable. We looked around until we found Kenzie, and fell in love. Her caretaker was holding her, and she was content, not crying. We just stood and stared and talked to her while she stared back. Eventually, they called our name, and handed her over. We had prepared ourselves for screaming, but she did not cry at all. She was perfect. We got a smile a couple of hours later and the rest of the trip went smoothly (especially if there was food in sight). I thank God everyday for his guidance in matching Kenzie with our family. She is a perfect fit.

Here are some photos from Gotcha Day and today.

Entrance to Adoption Area

This was our first picture of Kenzie (with her caretaker).

The room was very crowded with families, babies, and caretakers.

Kayla and Kenzie

Kenzie back at the hotel room


Tiffany said...

What a day of memories, thinking of all of you today!