Thursday, September 25, 2008

Third birthday, Waiting, and Names

Well, yesterday was Karli's birthday (happy third birthday Karli!), so now our little angel is three years old! =D As you know, we are patiently **cough, cough, I mean anxiously** waiting for our LOA*. The normal wait right now for a LOA (according to a woman at our agency) is about 12 weeks--which will be tomorrow--and someone my mother knows on Rumor Queen has a July 2nd LID** and got their LOA the other day. Since our log in date is July 4th, we're waiting and hoping that we will be getting our LOA sometime this week. (My mother is literally checking her email all day and saying every time the phone rings, "Is that my agency?! Maybe it's the agency!"). We are thinking that my mom and Kylie will travel in the month of November, and my Grandma is also thinking about going. Kylie has saved a total of about $1300 so far and the amount just keeps growing!

Another thing that has been on my mom's mind lately is, how are we going to fit Karli's Chinese name into her American name? because since Kenzie has Yang as her 2nd middle name, we feel that we have to add part of Karli's to her name, so she doesn't feel left out. At first, she wanted to put the Xi (pronounced "shee"), but decided against it because it really just stands for the city of Wuxi. Then she was going to go with the He (but contrary to how we thought it was pronounced, it's really pronounced as "huh" but with more expression; I forgot what it means). That left us with Na (it's pronounced the way you read it; in the orphanage, they call Karli Na-Na), and it means very beautiful in an elegant way (like a willow tree is how it was described to us). (Karli's full name right now is Xi He Na). We decided that her full American name will be Karli Nicole Na Smelley. That's about all the news so far...hopefully my next post will be about us getting our LOA.

*LOA=Letter Of Approval
**LID=Log In Date