Friday, September 12, 2008

We're Kicking It Up A Notch!

The weathermen have determined Ike is a category 3 hurricane now!!!  They have finished boarding up some of the windows.  (I say some because there wasn't enough plywood left at Lowe's to do all of our windows.  [Like I said, stores are sold out of pretty much everything, including plywood, seeing as it's something you will need during a hurricane.]  And, of course, we have to live in a house that is FULL of windows!!!)  They just left a few moments ago to head over to Paul's house to do his windows.  My aunt will be here around four, and then we'll probably decide what to have dinner and begin to isolate ourselves into our home.  As I said yesterday, we're not evacuating (though I really wish we would), so this will be my first time really to go through a hurricane.  Can't say I'm excited though!  LOL.  The water just keeps rising in Galveston (water from the "beach;" i.e. waves coming up onto the shore and beyond), and it isn't even raining here yet!  The wind flow or whatever you call it (too stressed from this storm to be technical right now) for a category 3 hurricane is 111 MPH (but we won't be getting that here, since we're more inland, but it will still be strong.)  We are expecting some trees to fall down, maybe street poles, and stoplights to get blown.  Yesterday my mom and I worked to take all of the yard toys into the shed and garage and my dad put his beetle bug and MR2 into the garage as well.  We also washed laundry and took showers/baths in case--ahem, I mean WHEN--the electricity goes out.  Well, I guess that's it for now!  Check out Kylie's blog because she is doing an update, too.  TTYL and I might log on, if I can, when they get/give us more updates on Ike.  

p.s. another reason why this hurricane STINKS:
-I have to miss the Barlow Girl concert that was supposed to be tonight!!!!  (Granted it did get postponed and rescheduled.)  But we had FIFTH ROW SEATS!!!!  For BARLOW GIRL!!!  I mean, come on! :-(  Oh, well.  At least I'll be seeing them soon!!!